Brian Fengel, Director
Phone: (309) 690-7350
Fax: (309) 690-7359
Jean Swan: jswan@icc.edu
Heather Grove: hgrove@icc.edu
Human Trafficking
Instructor: Candi Buhl
DATE: January 23, 2025
8am – 4pm
Class will meet at CIPTC, ICC Peoria Campus, 5407 North University, Poplar Hall P101, Peoria
Enrollment Deadline: January 16, 2025
Course Size: Minimum – 15 Maximum – 64
Course Objective
To provide officers with information about human trafficking include victims, offenders, indicators, interviewing and services to identify and assist victims of trafficking.
Course Content
Human Trafficking training and how it applies to law enforcement.
The victim – This section will cover key points for officers to be aware of ranging from physical signs, trauma and how it affects victims and our ability to investigate, understanding victimization, disclosure, questioning child victims and resources for victims.
Indicators – This section will help officers become more aware of what to look for when identifying victims of trafficking including recognizing the appearance of a victim and behaviors of victims. Officers will also learn of indicators of offenders and how to spot them on traffic stops or in a residence.
Interviewing – Interviewing the offender and victims in person and to think outside the box using technology. Identify ways to interact with victim in a sensitive manner when interviewing.
Case Study and Scenario – Officers will be given a case study then a scenario to work through.
Mobile In-Service Training Team#7 Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board
MTU 7 request for certification of this course has been approved by the Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board
Meets the following mandatory training criteria: Cultural Competency .50 hours, Human Rights 2.5 hours, Legal Updates 2 hours, Procedural Justice 1.00 hours, Reporting of Child Abuse and Neglect 1 hours, and Laws Concerning Stops Searches and Use of Force 1 hour