Brian Fengel, Director
Phone: (309) 690-7350
Fax: (309) 690-7359
Jean Swan: jswan@icc.edu
Heather Grove: hgrove@icc.edu
Basic Crime Scene Investigation I 40 hour – BLTD
Instructor: Chris Collins & Heather Hansen
September 9-13, 2024
8am – 4pm
Class will meet at: Peru PD, 2650 N. Peoria, Peru, IL
Enrollment Deadline: September 2, 2024
Maximum: 25
Course Objective
This five-day, 40-hour program has been designed by Blue Line Training and Development Inc., along with expert practitioners in the field of evidence identification and collection. The purpose of this course is to educate Officers, Homicide Investigators, Detectives, Crime Scene Investigators (CSIs), members of Major Crime Task Forces and Evidence Technicians in the art and science of crime scene investigation as it relates to collection, identification, and preservation of evidence to be submitted to a forensic science laboratory for analysis.
Course Overview:
This program is designed for Officers, Homicide Investigators, Detectives, Crime Scene Investigators, Members of Major Crime Task Forces and Evidence Technicians. The course will introduce them to various evidence collection, identification, and preservation techniques. The impact of these techniques upon specific criminal investigative disciplines will also be discussed. Course topics include the following:
- Crime scene management and the 7-step crime scene process
- Crime scene photography
- Crime scene sketching, diagramming, and animation
- Forensic Laboratory Sections/Disciples
- Evidence recognition, handling, packaging, and submission
- Firearm/ballistic evidence, IBIS and NIBIN technology
- Trace and toolmark evidence
- Footwear/tire track castings
- Latent fingerprints and AFIS technology
- Biological evidence/DNA and CODIS technology.
- Search warrants and consent to search
- Advances in evidence technology
- Report writing
- Scenario Based Training and Tabletop Exercises.
- 5 Practical Scene Assessments – Vehicle Scene, Burglary Scene, Shooting/Ballistics Scene, Photography Practical and Crime Scene with a victim body.
- Department digital camera, tripod, and memory card (4GB minimum)
- Latent print development kit including black & magnetic powder, tape, and backing cards
- Sufficient packaging and personal protection supplies to process a crime scene
Mobile In-Service Training Team # 7 Illinois Enforcement Training and Standards Board
MTU #7 request for certification of this course has been approved by the Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board
Meets the following mandatory training criteria: Civil Rights .5 Hours, Constitutional Use of Authority 1 Hour, Legal Updates 1 Hour, Officer wellness/mental health 5 Hours, Procedural Justice 6 Hours, Law concerning stops, searches, and use of force 1 Hour (Scenario Based), Officer safety techniques, including cover, concealment .5 Hours, Lead Homicide Investigator 32 Hours (1 Hour Scenario Based)