Pepperball Instructor Armorer Certification, Eureka PD, Eureka, IL

Pepperball Instructor Armorer Certification, Eureka PD, Eureka, IL

07-30-2024 8:00 AM - 07-31-2024 5:00 PM
Eureka PD
Address: 111 W Court St, Eureka, IL 61530, USA
111 W Court St, Eureka, IL 61530, USA


Brian Fengel, Director

Phone: (309) 690-7355
Fax: (309) 690-7359
Heather Grove:

Jean Swan:

Robert Pyszka:

Pepperball Instructor Armorer Certification

July 30-31, 2024

To Register

$549.00 per person

Class will meet at: Eureka PD, 111 West Court Street, Eureka, IL 

PepperBall products can help reduce officer and suspect injuries, save lives, decrease the risk of litigation, and improve public perception of law enforcement agencies. The PepperBall System is an affordable, non-lethal tool designed for patrol, corrections, and tactical officers in a wide variety of situations. The PepperBall Instructor/Armorer Certification course involves intensive training in the use of the nonlethal PepperBall System, including operation, safety, maintenance, and deployment. This course certifies attendees as PepperBall Instructors for their individual agency, allowing the attendee to design a course in the safe and effective use of the PepperBall System.

Please note that the course begins promptly at 8:00 am. You should plan to show up at least 15 minutes early. All necessary equipment is provided by PepperBall. A training manual, flash drive, live-fire certification rounds and visual aids are also included. Appropriate training attire should be worn (No shorts, sandals, etc.). Please bring safety glasses. If you wear contacts, please have the ability to remove them at the training site. No firearms or ammo allowed in class.


 Mobile In-Service Training Team # 7 Illinois Enforcement Training and Standards Board

MTU #7 request for certification of this course has been approved by the Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board

Meets the following mandatory training criteria: Legal Updates 2 hours, Use of Force 12 hours, De-escalation Techniques 2 hour 

Pepperball Instructor Armorer Certification, Eureka PD, Eureka, IL