Brian Fengel, Director
Phone: (309) 690-7350
Fax: (309) 690-7359
Jean Swan: jswan@icc.edu
Heather Grove: hgrove@icc.edu
CITT Crisis Intervention Team Training
Instructor: Law Enforcement & Behavioral Health Professionals
December 16-20, 2024
8am – 5pm
Class will meet at: CIPTC, ICC Peoria Campus, 5407 N. University, Poplar Hall P127, Peoria, IL
Enrollment Deadline: December 9, 2024
Course Size: Minimum – 25 Maximum – 42
All Handouts provided on a Thumb Drive, bring laptop to follow along
Please wear your police uniform on Thursday, December 19, 2024, Role Playing and Working Lunch
Officer’s MUST BE at least 1 year from their initial date of hire in order to take this class.
Course Object
This 40-hour program is designed to provide selected officers with specialized training on dealing with individuals in the community who have a mental illness or other behavioral disability. CIT officers are trained as resource specialists who can provide immediate response to calls involving a mental health crisis. The “team” concept refers to law enforcement involvement with stakeholder agencies, as well as interagency mutual assistance when appropriate.
The course will be conducted by a diverse group of law enforcement and behavioral health professionals.
During the week, students will participate in a variety of valuable exercises that will simulate auditory and 3-D visual hallucinations that individuals with a mental illness might experience. The program will also provide officers with a unique opportunity to interact with individuals who have a mental illness and their family members (primary and secondary consumers).
An essential part of the CIT course is scenario-based skills training. Officers are challenged with realistic scenarios portrayed by professional actors from Chicago and St. Louis. Scenarios may include a suicide intervention, de-escalating a violent situation, or responding to a call involving an individual experiencing paranoia. All scenarios are facilitated and evaluated by certified CIT officers.
Course Content
Topics include:
Signs and Symptoms of Mental Illness
Medical Conditions that Mimic Mental Illness
Compliant Surrender and Tactical Response
Child and Adolescent Disorders
Intellectual Disabilities
Risk Assessment and Legal Issues
Substance Abuse
Veterans in Crisis
Psychotropic Medications
Geriatric Issues
Police Response to Suspected Excited Delirium
Mobile In-Service Training Team # 7 Illinois Enforcement Training and Standards Board
MTU #7 request for certification of this course has been approved by the Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board
Meets the following mandatory training criteria: Civil Rights .50 hours, Constitutional and Proper use of Law Enforcement Authority .50 hours, Human Rights 7 hours, Legal Updates 2 hours, Procedural Justice 4 hours, De-escalation Techniques 8 hours with 4 Scenario Based hours, Crisis Intervention 12 hours, Officer Wellness/Mental Health 2 hours, and Officer safety techniques, including cover, concealment and time 4 hours with 3 hours Scenario Based hours